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How to Become a Talent Magnet in 2019

November 13, 2018
| ByJulia Pinzler

Attracting top talent is a key priority for companies as the talent pool becomes more diverse and skilled, and expects more from employers. To achieve this goal, businesses must create a company environment where employees would want to work, grow and thrive.

Here are ways businesses can become a talent magnet for their company today, and as they plan for 2019.

Manage the Internal Branding and Reputation of the Business

Internal branding is the process of promoting a company to a pool of potential applicants who the company wants to recruit. It also impacts whether existing employees will want to maintain their jobs with the company.

Internal branding is a reflection of how both current and prospective employees view the company. It affects whether an employee will want to work for a particular company.

Companies can look to effective strategies that successful organizations have used in the past to enhance their own internal branding.

Sample Cases with Successful Internal Branding

Google consistently ranks as one of the best places to work. Its management team conducted research on how employees achieve a work/ life balance, and executives used the results to integrate changes into the workplace. They also publicly published the results so that prospective talent could see them, indicating Google’s concern for their employees.

Starbucks relies more heavily on social media to disseminate their employer brand. Prospective employees can interact with members of the team through social media. The company also encourages employees to provide feedback on their personal social media channels, signaling to outsiders that they care about their employees’ sentiments.

Benefits of Internal Employer Branding

Stronger employer branding provides the following benefits:

  • It attracts fresh talent
  • It increases retention rates
  • It integrates work culture into the employee’s experience
  • It enhances emotional connection with employees
Hire Brand Ambassadors for the Business

A motivated team is a tremendous asset for a business. Employees who believe in the business can become leaders who promote the work culture and serve as brand evangelists.

Businesses should cultivate such leaders who can spread the message about the business to customers and potential employees.

Through social recognition, managers can serve as mentors and teach employees how to identify behaviors worthy of recognition. These important conversations can help team members set and achieve new goals that benefit the business.

Hire Personnel for Cultural Fit

New hires must be able to fit within the organization’s existing work culture. Each new team member should add to the strengths of the business, while providing their own unique skillset.

New employees that do not fit into the existing culture can cause disruption. They may have a negative experience and quickly leave the company, leaving only disharmony behind.

Recognize the Outstanding Contributions of the Team

Recognition often matters much more to employees than other factors including money. Today’s workers want to feel they are doing something important and meaningful. They get behind social causes and come together to make a difference.

Mental Health America released the 2017 Mind the Workplace report, which surveyed more than 17,000 workers in 19 industries. The report found that 71% of workers were actively looking for alternative work or considering it. Additionally, 44% of respondents said that more qualified workers were always or often overlooked.

When businesses recognize their existing employees, they increase employee loyalty while also signaling to prospective employees that they will be appreciated if they joined the team.

Seek Assistance with Your Employer Branding

As a global leader in social recognition, Madison can assist companies as they seek to become talent magnets through the power of employee recognition. How? By using innovative technology to support a company’s brand and implement an employee recognition strategy to guide new employees and retain contributing team members.